Thursday, April 8, 2010

Resurrection Burgers

Today our blog entry is from guest chef Stephanie Roberts. Orginally from Brooklyn, NY, she is a writer, artist, musician, etc. and more, and now resides in Montreal, Quebec with her Huz and six delightful children. She promises these Resurrection Burgers are guaranteed to royally resurrect flagging spirits!

1 500 gram package ground lamb completely thawed
4 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon dried rosemary ground freshly with mortar and pestle
1 teaspoon coarse kosher salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
(i might experiment someday on replacing this with half of a medium sized onion, finely chopped)
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1 tablespoon dried parsley

1. Mince garlic finely with your handy dandy chef's knife
2. Open ground lamb, add all dry ingredients and garlic.
3. Mix thouroughly.
4. Let sit covered at room temp for 1/2 and hour or in the fridge till needed.
5. Pat those bad boys into fat little burgers (i ended up with 6 patties)
6. Fry on low heat until done.

Serve with a *light*drizzle of maple syrup (TRUST me on this!), a spinach salad with finely chopped apple and crumbled goat cheese with a balsamic vinaigrette reduction. And a tall glass of Dieu du Ciel!'s Equinoxe de Printemps/Spring equinox maple scotch ale 8%. Deeelish!

Makes six servings or three...that is up to your little red wagon.


  1. I'm going to try these on the grill, sounds like they would be fabulamb! hehe

    Also, according to my calculations, "500 grams" in the non-queen's English roughly translates to 18 ounces of ground meat. One more note, please don't drizzle fake "maple" syrup on these burgers! A lamb has made the ultimate sacrifice for your enjoyment. Please honor it with real maple syrup! ;-)

  2. Yeah! My first guest blog! I am honoured! I was in the midst of making these, just making up the recipe as I went along when I thought, Hey? This would make a fun entry for LSHT!. That is why there are no beginning pictures or i would have taken pictures of all of the steps.

  3. shoot, lamburgers is brilliant! Why didn't i think of that!

  4. I didn't have the maple syrup, but I did have some local organic honey so I tried a drizzle of that on the lamburger and it was delish!
