Wednesday, March 31, 2010

If You Give Your Sister a Baby Shower...

....she'll probably want you to do a vintage-themed tea party with all homemade food. So you get in the car, drive three hours to Detroit Metro Airport, fly in a completely packed DC-9 to LaGuardia even though you are not a good flier, get picked up in the Nissan Sentra, ride over the Triborough and the GW headed to Stony Point, NY. You get to stop briefly for an incredible dinner at Sonny & Tony's. Our Stuffed Rigatoni Bolognese, Ravioli ala Vodka Sauce and Eggplant Rollatini were absolutely divine!

The next morning you get up early, enjoy a quick breakfast at Bagel Boy and get to your shopping list. You hope the sketchy Shop Rite on the way will have everything you need, but it doesn't, so you end up going to the other Shop Rite anyway. The good news is that you get to visit the fabulous Rockland Bakery for the Panel, Italian loaves, sliced loaves and whoops, there are three Napoleons in the bag for a "light lunch"! After lunch, off you go to Sloatsburg to start in on the salads, gingersnaps, and lemon butter cookies. You work all afternoon, and pick up a delicious NY Pizza on the way back to Stony Point. You get an excellent and much-needed haircut from your favorite stylist. You chat and cackle with your beloved mom and sister and then fall into bed.

It's Shower Morning and Go Time! Get up, shower, load an obscene amount of supplies into the Sentra, stop in Sloatsburg to load still more supplies, then head to Bloomfield, NJ for the shower extroadinaire. The kitchen is located a mountain goat steep flight of stairs below the great room where the shower will take place, but thankfully, there are NO accidents with food platters or getting great Aunt Josie up and down the stairs. You spend the morning in the kitchen fast and furiously making tiny tea sandwiches with Kat and Marianna. It's a race to the finish, but you are done in time and the table spread looks spectacular!

Chicken Salad Rounds Rolled in Smoked Almonds
Marianna's Excellent Egg Salad Triangles
Cucumber, Watercress and Chive Cream Cheese Triangles
Fresh Mozzerella, Tomato and Basil on Italian
Fresh Fruit Salad
Salad Greens With Balsamic Dressing
Ginger Snaps
Tea Biscuits
Lemon Butter Cookies
Mini Cupcakes from Two Little Red Hens in Manhattan
Old Fashioned Candies
Old Fashioned Punch
and Tea, of course!

Chicken Salad Rounds
Cooked Shredded Chicken
Hellmann's Mayo
Fresh Tarragon
smoked almonds, chopped in food processor
Combine chicken, mayo, tarragon
(do not make the chicken salad too moist)
Spread on bread
Cut into rounds
Spread more mayo around the outside of the sandwich
Roll in smoked almonds

Cucumber Watercress Triangles
Chopped fresh chives
Whipped cream cheese
Combine cream cheese and fresh chives
spread on both slices of bread
cover one slice of bread with paper thin sliced cucumber
top with watercress and coated bread
Cut off crusts and cut into triangles

Fresh Mozzerella, Tomato, Basil
Loaf of Italian bread, sliced, toasted or untoasted
Sliced fresh mozzerella (must be FRESH mozzerella)
Sliced Roma tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves
Layer cheese, tomatoes and basil leaves
Our cheese was so good we did not need to add salt and pepper


  1. pretty menu.
    hope it tasted as good as it looked.

  2. what! this has been here for five days! it just showed up on my website like a minute ago? BTW

    this all looks like so much yummy fun! here the canadians butter their cucumber sandwiches, yummers

    and those tomato, mozzerella samiches have me craving sun dried tomatoes i eat them like raisins

  3. not only is this post amazing...but the food matched.
    i know you're pooped at this point but again, if you ever wanna rent yourself out as the sister i never had...i'll accept. :)
    great job!
